Goals of Fire
You've just made a fire, but what do you want with it.
There are several fires for different purposes.
If you have plenty of wood and the fire is created, with the single purpose, to warm yourself,
the goal is less important as when you need to cook on a fire, for wich the wood is scarce.
Pyramid Fire
By adding wood vertically a fire will expand in the same direction. In this way you obtain a pyramid fire.
It is a fire with a lot of heat, perfect to get the fire going. Even with wood that is moist.
Do not continue in this manner because you will run out of fire-wood.
Pagoda Fire
Place, according to the picture, wood around your pyramid fire.
In this way you will achieve a fire wich wil burn closer to the ground.
The wood placed around the fire will dry and, after a wile, burn horizontally.
A Pagoda Fire is much more efficiency way, to use your supply of wood.
Star Fire
If you have a small supply of dry wood, you can consider using a star fire.
By placing the wood, head on, into the fire. It will burn less fast. The pase and amount of fuel is to be regulated
Optimization heat use
Befor mentioned fires are the basis for fire.
By adding a "reflector" heat can be used more efficiently. A reflector is easily made with two upright poles
wich support horizontal timber.
The reflector will reflect the heat so the user gains in efficiency.
Moreover, a reflector, placed perpendicular to the wind, makes sure smoke moves vertically befor horizontally.
The picture shows a reflector, the heat of the fire reflects on the back of the person.
A reflector can also be used to pre-head a bed or dry fire-wood.
When a fire is created for cooking, it is unwise to use a big fire.
A big fire is not easy to regulate and thus food cooked above a big fire will often result in burned food.
Moreover, a large fire is difficult to approach. Make a small fire and use it optimally by channeling the heat.
However, keep in mind that a fire needs oxygen, only the flue must be regulated otherwise the fire will extinguish.
Bum Fire
By placing a tree on either side of your fire you can cook obove it.
The logs will act as reflectors while the fire still reveives oxygen through the ends of the stems.
The same effect is achieved when you light a fire in a trench. Be carefull with the lenght of the trench, the fire
must be able to acces oxigen.
The grid as drawn will not allways be available but can easily be replaced with green branches.
If you do not have a pan, it is possible to cook solids on the green branches.
With the last method it is wise to remove the bark so, growing fluids or pests living in the bark, do not come
into your food.
Fire crib
The fire crib works in the same way as the Bum-fire it's just a more permanent setup.
Two rows of poles function as a reflector. The two advantages are:
Heat is sent to where it is needed.
The cook will not burn his knees.
Plateau Fire
Niet alleen bij regen kan een vuur hinder ondervinden van water.
Wanneer je op sneeuw een vuur aanlegt zal de hitte van je vuur de aanwezige sneeuw doen smelten.
In een dergelijk geval is verstandig je vuur te maken op een plateau. Het plaatje toon twee lagen balkjes met daarop een pagodevuur.
Not only rain can make it hard to keep a fire going. A fire constructed on snow will melt it's way downward.
If a fire is placed on top of a construction wich reflects the heat topward and keeps the fire out of water you create
the conditions to keep it going.
Marines Fire
Fire is, especially at night, visible from afar and can give your position away.
For this reason, the marinesfire is made up.
By making a fire in or under the ground, the gleam of light from your fire is not so easily visible.
When lighting the fire make shure not to use smoke-producing materials.
A marines fire is easier made into an earthen rampart. With this option it is important the enemy is not looking
towards your back.
Make sure you do not cover the entire "chimney" for this swill smother the fire.
Make fires can be a fun thing to do, but it is dangerous.
Always make shure you work in a fire circle which is stripped of flammable materials.
Forrestfires are, especially in dry weather, easy to cause.
Allso watch for roots of trees wich may cross your fire under the ground. If heated enough these will start to
smolder. In several days a fire can automatically start several meters from where you put out your fire and
cause extensive damage.
Shielding a fire with stones.
Never use wet stones, By the expansion of water inside the stone may explode.