Technieken First-Aid

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Introduction Bleeds Unconscious Choking Burn
Fracture Contusion Kit
Unconsciousness Unconsciousness is a state in which one loses consciousness about the environment. Unlike natural sleep pinching, or other sensory stimuli can not arouse the person.
The causes of unconsciousness are almost always associated with mechanical force (blow to the head, traffic accident) wich result in an oxygen deficiency in the brains. This is called the metabolic causes, particularly the effects of toxic substances to the blood will make sure that there is too little oxygen in the blood.
A brief, innocent unconsciousness is the fainting that occurs particularly in people predisposed to hypotension, heat, breathlessness or other conditions that cause a temporary failure of the blood-flow to the brains. The vascular system can not adapt quickly enough and too much blood accumulates in the abdomen and legs.
Less innocent is deep unconsciousness or coma.
Causes, which can lead to unconsciousness: concussion, cerebral contusion, cerebral hemorrhage, strong increase in pressure within the cranial cavity, epileptic seizures, many poisonings, eg carbon monoxide, alcohol, morphine or a large dose of sleeping pills.
Recovery position
With missing consciousness it can occur that a victim is vomiting. To prevent a victim dying in his own vomit, he needs to be placed on one side. This is called the recovery position.
The following movie shows how the recovery position is to be carried out.
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skull_fracture When a victim has wounds in addition to the unconsciousness of course you should also take them into account.
Thus, after a blow to the head blood can come out of the ear, this will indicate a fractured skull. The bleeding ear should be facing upward. The emergency services see this immediately on arrival and are therefore able to act appropriately.
Wounds on the corpus (body) are preferred to be placed downward, this in order to minimize the load on the organs wich would have a negative output on their functionality.
Severe wounds should be treated before placing the victim into a stable position. Otherwise the victim will bleed dry.